Get to Know our Products

IHP focuses on customer needs, quality, innovation, and price when assembling our product suite, along with a philosophy of continuous improvement for employee and employer satisfaction.

Healthcare Product Suite

IHP offers a range of benefits, from standard to unique, and can help put a package together that will not only fit you, or your client’s needs, but makes administration easier.

The market for quality, affordable health insurance products has certainly changed over the last few years, and we know many employers have felt this shift—and have tried to cut costs without sacrificing benefits. But adhering to employee wellbeing shouldn’t be cost prohibitive, which is why we offer several options to assemble benefits custom to each client. 

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IHP Minimum Essential Coverage (MEC)

  • No deductible, co-pay driven​
  • Simplified Underwriting​
  • Avoids A Penalty​
  • Unlimited telemedicine​
  • 4 plan options with RBP​
  • $0 co-pay on preventive generic drugs (No specialty drugs)​
  • Coverage grows by plan tier​
  • Can exist with traditional plans​
  • More affordable than other plans in the market​
  • Employer contribution flexibility​

IHP Minimum Value Plan (MVP)

(Best Seller)

  • No deductible, co-pay driven​
  • Simplified Underwriting​
  • Avoids B Penalty​
  • 4 Plan options, increasing coverage​
  • $0 co-pay on preventive generic drugs (No specialty drugs)​
  • Covers >60% of allowed cost​
  • 50 State solution​
  • Meets “affordability” requirement​
  • Substantial in- and out-patient hospitalization​ coverage
  • Can exist with traditional plans​
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IHP Fully Insured Minimum Essential Coverage (MEC)

  • ACA Compliant, avoids penalty for Employer Mandate (Part-A) ​
  • 100% of Preventive, In-Network services free to Member​
  • Unlimited telemedicine​
  • No Employer Contribution Required​
  • Reasonable Participation Requirements​


(can be standalone)

  • Nationwide fixed composite rate​
  • Dentemax network​
  • $100 annual deductible​
  • $1,000-$3,000 annual max.​
  • Major services coverage (with waiting period)
  • Evaluations & cleanings​
  • No waiting basic services​
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  • $200 benefit per plan year​
  • Coverage emphasizes eye health and preventive care​
  • Must be bundled with Dental and Hearing Aid plans​

Hearing Aid


  • Nationwide fixed composite rate​
  • $500 annual deductible​
  • Up to $3,000 annual maximum benefit​
  • Maintenance, repairs, tech advances​
  • Hearing aid & exam​

What is Minimum Essential Coverage (MEC)?

About MEC Plans

Minimum Essential Coverage (MEC) is an essential aspect of providing comprehensive health benefits to your employees. MEC, a vital component of complying with the Affordable Care Act (ACA), refers to health insurance that meets the ACA’s requirements, offering a baseline of essential benefits.

By offering MEC plans, employers can ensure that their workforce has access to essential health services, helping employees meet the individual mandate, and avoiding potential tax penalties.

MEC Key Features
  • Preventive Services
  • ACA Compliance
  • Avoids ACA Penalties
  • Employee Satisfaction
ACA A Penalty 2024

Employers who fail to offer a Minimum Essential Coverage (MEC) plan that provides certain wellness and preventive care to full-time employees may face a penalty of $2,970 per full-time employee (minus the first 30).

What are Minimum Value Plans (MVP)?

About MVP Plans

Minimum Value Plans (MVPs) offer a cost-effective solution for employee health coverage. Designed to meet ACA criteria, they provide substantial coverage, ensuring employees receive essential benefits while balancing comprehensive coverage with cost-effectiveness.

MVPs cover essential health services and preventive care, offering employees access to vital medical resources. Though not all-encompassing, they establish a solid foundation for maintaining good health.

MVP Key Features
  • Affordability
  • Flexibility
  • Cost Management
  • ACA Compliance
ACA B Penalty 2024

A penalty of $4,460 per full-time employee who enrolls in a subsidized plan throughout a government exchange if the employer fails to offer an affordable Minimum Value Plan (MVP) which provides more comprehensive coverage, such as hospitalization.

MVPs cover essential health services and preventive care, offering employees access to vital medical resources. Though not all-encompassing, they establish a solid foundation for maintaining good health.


Want more information?

To learn more about our products and how they can help your employees achieve the health and wellness they desire, contact our team today!

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See the difference IHP can make for you, your clients, and their employees. Contact us today.